Company News
"Zhejiang Jiangjiang Xing Automobile Inspection Equipment Co., Ltd. produce 10,000 sets of automobile testing equipment technology projects environmental impact report" A
TIME:2021-03-16 17:42:12   HITS:851

According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection's "Guidelines for the Disclosure of Government Information on Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects (Trial)", in order to further increase the disclosure of environmental impact assessment information, promote public participation in environmental assessments, and safeguard public environmental rights and interests, the entire environmental impact report of this project has been published public.

1. Contact

1. Contact information of the construction unit

Company name: Zhejiang Jiangxing Automobile Testing Equipment Co., Ltd.

Unit address: No. 18, Xinhui Road, Xinbi Street, Jinyun County

Contact: Xu Yidong Phone: 13705778990

2. Contact information of environmental impact assessment unit

Unit name: Hangzhou Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.

Unit address: No. 54 Hangda Road, Hangzhou

Contact: Li Ling Phone: 13024291196

2. The main way the public put forward opinions

If all sectors of society have opinions and suggestions on the environmental impact assessment of this project, they can contact and reflect through the above methods.